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>> Election Results!  |  Township Officials 2021-2023

Voter turnout for Tuesday's municipal elections...
Livingston County - 12.56% of registered voters cast a ballot.
Caldwell County - 13.48%
Carroll County - 23.19% (the highest of the area counties)
Daviess County - 7.45% (the lowest reported in the area counties)
Grundy County - 17%
Linn County - 11.52%

Filing for Municipal Elections
Angie Talken, CT 12/17/2020

Voters within Chillicothe city limits will vote for Mayor, Councilman-at-Large, First Ward Councilman, Second Ward Councilman, Third Ward Councilman, Fourth Ward Councilman, City Auditor, City Clerk, City Treasurer, City Attorney, and City Constable for a term of two years according to City Clerk Roze Frampton. As of Thursday afternoon, the following candidates had filed to run for the following city offices: Mayor, incumbent Theresa (Gatson) Kelly; City Clerk, incumbent Rozanne (Roze) Frampton; City Auditor, incumbent Hannah Fletcher; Councilman-at-Large, incumbent Tom Ashbrook; First Ward Councilman, Reed Dupy; Second Ward Councilman, incumbent Wayne Cunningham; Third Ward Councilman, incumbent Joshua L. Fosdick; and Fourth Ward Councilman, incumbent Pam Jarding. Filing for the offices will continue at city hall between the hours of 8 a.m. and 5 p.m. Monday through Friday, except weekends and holidays when Chillicothe City Hall is closed. The deadline for filing is 5 p.m. on Tuesday, January 19, 2021.

Two three-year terms on the Chillicothe R-II Board of Education will be on the April ballot as well per Laura Schuler, Chillicothe Board of Education secretary. The seats of current board member Paul Thomas and Lindy Chapman are up for election. Chapman and Mitchell Holder have both filed for a seat on the board as of Thursday afternoon. Those interested in filing should go to the superintendent's offices located at 2003 Washington St. Filing will continue during the district's regular business hours, Monday - Friday from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Schuler noted filing will not occur on days that the school district's central offices are closed due to inclement weather. Filing will also not occur from December 22, 2020 - January 1, 2021, and will end on Tuesday, January 19 at 5 p.m.

On Thursday morning, Darrel V. Rinehart, Jr., filed as a candidate for the Livingston County Ambulance District #2. Eva Danner-Horton has also filed for Livingston County Ambulance District 1; and Ronald Garber for Livingston County Ambulance District 5. Douglas P. Doughty and Doris Darlene Hughes have filed for a seat on the Livingston County Ambulance Board. Sherry Parks, County Clerk and Election Authority, said that anyone wishing to have their name placed on the April ballot should file with the filing agent in that political subdivision, except those wishing to file for ambulance district or health center boards, which should file with her in her office. The county clerk's office can be reached by calling 660-646-8000, ext. 3.

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Livingston County Courthouse
700 Webster Street
Chillicothe, MO 64601
